Canning additives

Ketchupok, majonézek, szószok, dresszingek

Ketchups, mayonnaises, sauces, dressings

Our additives provide a proper consistency for ketchups prepared by hot or cold process, as well as mayonnaises, dressings and sauces. They also stabilise the texture of mustards, pickled, creamy or mayonnaise horseradish.

Magas cukortartalmú dzsemek és zselék

Jams and jellies with high sugar

Additives facilitating the production of fruit preparations with a high sugar and dry-matter content (min. 50%), which are also suitable for manufacturing products filled at various temperatures (85 °C, 70 °C, 65 °C). They also enable the production of jams and jellies of various textures. Due to the high dry-matter content, adding preservatives is unnecessary.

Sütőipari dzsemek, zselék és töltelékek

Bakery jams, jellies and fillings

A wide variety of additives are available for stabilising fruit preparations used in the bakery industry, all of which enable the production of heat- stable jams, jellies and fillings. Their key feature is that during baking, the fruit preparation does not become liquid, but remains form-stable, and can also be easily pumped.

Különleges célra felhasználható gyümölcskészítmények

Fruit preparations used for special

We mainly recommend these products for the production of fruit yoghurt. The fruit preparation has a texture that enables it to be directly mixed or layered into the yoghurt.


Fruit sauces

Our additives enable the products to be mold-able (decoration) and used as topping. The dry-matter content of the finished product may vary between 30–65%. They are freezable, pumpable and pourable. The additives suitable for thickening the consistency of fruit syrups allow multiple uses of the finished products.


Fruit drinks

Our additives enable the production of fruit drinks of various viscosity, preventing them from separating and their fiber content from settling.

Alacsony cukortartalmú dszemek, zselék és gyümölcsdesszertek

Jams, jellies and fruit desserts with low sugar content

Our additives enable the production of fruit preparations with a sugar content lower than 50%, as well as “light” and diabetic jams. The texture of the finished product may range from creamy to gelatinous. Fruit dessert products can be manufactured with a dry matter content from 10–30%.

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